Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating the Suicide Prevention Programme
Lodz, 18-19 October 2024
2nd Announcement
We invite you to the 3rd Suicidology Congress on 18-19 October 2024 at Clinical- Didactic Center of the Medical University of Lodz, 251 Pomorska Street, Aula1000- main hall.
The central theme of the Congress is implementing and evaluating the National Suicide Prevention Programme within the framework of the National Health Programme (NPZ) for 2021-2025.
The primary goal of this year’s Congress is to develop guidelines for the further stages of programme implementation and evidence-based evaluation through exchanging experiences among experts from Poland and abroad in suicide prevention.
The event will take place in person, with the option to participate online via the conference website http://konferencjasuicydologiczna.umed.pl/, which we invite you to visit now and via YouTube.
Organisers: Ministry of Health, Working Group on Suicide and Depression Prevention at the Public Health Council, Bureau for the Prevention of Suicidal Behaviours, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology – Warsaw, Medical University of Łódź, Polish Suicidology Society, and the Suicidology Section of the Polish Psychiatric Association.
The Congress programme includes, among others, plenary sessions in Polish and English dedicated to presenting selected tasks of the National Suicide Prevention Programme within the National Health Programme for 2021-2025 and presentations featuring international experts. Their lectures will cover evaluating suicide prevention programmes implemented in other countries worldwide. The Congress will conclude with a debate aimed at developing guidelines for the evaluation of suicide prevention activities in Poland.
Primary target audience of the III Suicidology Congress: healthcare workers, helpline staff, emergency notification centre employees, police, public health representatives, university and college staff and students, school educators and psychologists, staff of Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres, Mental Health Centres, Community Mental Health Centres, Community Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Care Centres for Children and Adolescents, Crisis Intervention Centres, media representatives, and all individuals involved in protecting human life.
We invite you to visit the III Suicidology Congress website: http://konferencjasuicydologiczna.umed.pl/, where you can access archival materials from the I and II Congresses, register (under the „Registration Form” tab) and view the Programme and other updated information.
Confirmed participation is essential to receive a CERTIFICATE.
Main Organizers:
The Department of Public Health at the Ministry of Health and the Working Group for
Prevention of Suicide and Depression at the Public Health Council
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw
Medical University of Lodz, Lodz
Polish Association of Suicidology (PTS)
Scientific Section of Suicidology of the Polish Psychiatric Association
The organizers have asked for the patronage of representatives of Ministries included in the National Suicide Prevention Program
On behalf of the Organizers
Prof. Agnieszka Gmitrowicz, chair woman of the Working Group
on Suicide and Depression Prevention
e-mail contact: biurozzs@ipin.edu.pl
for the attention of Daria Biechowska PhD; dbiechowska@ipin.edu.pl