Framework Programme

19 November 2020 – DAY 1

10: 00-12: 00 Registration of participants



12: 00-13: 00 Inauguration of the Congress

12: 00-12: 15 Opening the Congress and welcoming guests and participants

12: 15-12: 45 The phenomenon of suicide from different perspectives – Prof. Marta Makara -Studzińska, Jagiellonian University

12: 45-13: 00 Introduction to the National Program for the Prevention of Suicidal Behavior (KPZZS) – representative of the Ministry of Health

13.00-13.15 Break



13: 15-14: 45 Suicide prevention worldwide (session in English)

13: 15-13: 45 Suicide prevention programs worldwide – Dr. Dan Chisholm, World Health Organization

13: 45-14: 15 The Youth Aware of Mental health program (YAM) – Prof. Danuta Wasserman, National Center for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP), Karolinska Institutet

14: 15-14: 45 Pandemic and suicide – Prof. Marco Sarchiapone, chairman of EPA Section of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention, Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Molise

14: 45-15: 45 Lunch break



15: 45-17: 05 Monitoring and epidemiology of suicidal behavior in Poland and worldwide

15: 45-16: 05 Why and how are suicidal behaviors monitored? – Prof. Agnieszka Gmitrowicz, Medical University of Łódź

16: 05-16: 25 Psychiatric care – rationale for monitoring suicidal behavior – Dr. Daria Biechowska, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw

16: 25-16: 45 EZOP studies in selected populations – Dr. Jacek Moskalewicz, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw

16: 45-17: 05 Suicide attempts – representative research of youth in Poland – Dr. hab. Krzysztof Ostaszewski, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw

17:05 -17: 15 Break



17: 15-18: 30 Remote help for people in mental crisis: barriers and benefits

17: 15-17: 35 Crisis intervention by phone – Sylwia Michalec-Jękot, M. Sc., Center for Crisis Intervention and Counseling in Myślenice

17: 35-17: 55 Remote psychiatric consultation – Dr. Maciej Matuszczyk, Mental Health Center in Tychy, Scientific Section of Telepsychiatry of the Polish Psychiatric Association

17: 55-18: 15 Online support or psycho-education group? – Dr. Agnieszka Kaliszewska, Katarzyna Stankiewicz, M.Sc. – Wolskie Center of Mental Health

18.15-18.30 Jubilee lecture of the Polish Society of Suicidology


20 November 2020  – DAY 2



9: 00-11: 00 Competences of key social and professional groups in suicide prevention

9: 00-9: 15 Depression and suicide – Dr. Iwona Koszewska, the Cumulus Foundation

9: 15-9: 30 Depression prevention program in Poland – Prof. Łukasz Święcicki, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw

9: 30-9: 45 Role of teachers and parents in suicide prevention – Dr. Krzysztof Szwajca, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University

9: 45- 10:00 Increasing the competences of students of various faculties in the field of suicide prevention – ELLIPSE program – Dr. Anna Baran, Blekinge Hospital, Karlshamn, Sweden

10: 00-10: 15 Possibilities of taking actions by clergy in the field of suicide prevention in Poland – prof. Adam Czabański, Medical University of Poznań

10.15-10.30 Media and suicide prevention – prof. Radosław Pawelec, University of Warsaw

10: 30- 11:00 Rules of dealing with patients after suicide attempts admitted to Emergency Departments and Admission Rooms – prof. Jacek Anand, Dr. Wojciech Waldman, Medical University of Gdańsk

11: 00-11: 15 Break



11: 15-12: 45 The role of Departments in suicide prevention

Presentations by representatives of the invited Ministries

12: 45-13: 00 break



13: 00-14: 30 Development of guidelines for the implementation of KPZZS – a coherent vision

13: 00-13: 15 Introduction

Experts’ voice through experience

The Role of the Recovery Assistants

13: 15-14: 30 Statements of representatives of ministries crucial for the implementation of KPZZS and invited guests

14.30-15.00 Summary of the Congress


* Accompanying events


Suicidological marathon: How and where to help people in mental crises?